"The Boy in the Time Capsule"
Episode 3x07
Written by: Janet Lin
Directed by: Chad Lowe
Transcribed by traciepwns
Disclaimer: The characters, plot lines, quotes, etc. included here are owned by Hart Hanson, all rights reserved. This transcript is not authorized or endorsed by Hart Hanson or Fox.
(The class of 1987 is gathered at Foot Hill High School to open a time capsule that was buried 20 years prior.)
TERRY STINSON: Our time capsule was buried in 1987. The year the Dow closed above 2000 for the first time. Regan told Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall.
WOMAN IN CROWD: Uh, you had a huge crush on LaToya Jackson.
TERRY: I did.
MAN IN CROWD: You can't complain, Stinston. You married the head cheerleader.
TERRY: Lucky I did. And now we have a wonderful kid who's a Senior, right here at Foot Hill. Alex, take a bow.
(Alex, who is digging up the time capsule – nods and waves)
TERRY: Anyhow, we're here today to open the time capsule that we buried 20 years ago, so we can see who we were and how the heck we all got to where we are today.
ALEX: (hitting something under the dirt) Found it!
WOMAN IN CROWD: (to Janelle) 20 years.
WOMAN IN CROWD: Do you even remember what you put in there?
JANELLE: Bad perm and pink leg warmers, probably.
(Terry and a cop are opening the capsule)
TERRY: Here we go.
(As he opens it – there is a horrible smell and it's full of liquid. Everyone turns away.)
TERRY: Oh, what the hell, Bill. I thought you said this thing was water tight.
GIL: It should have been and it's Gil, not Bill.
TERRY: Let's see what we got here.
(He reaches in with a crow bar and pulls out a skull.)
(Cut to: Some time later, Booth & Brennan arrive)
BOOTH: Wow. Now this is a sweet field. This is what I'm talking about, right. I mean, it's nothing like ours but hey, that didn't stop me from being MVP my Senior year. Got the trophy. Touchdown!
BRENNAN: In certain tribes in the African subcontinent, piercings serve as a reminder – like your trophy – of the power and agility which has since faded away.
BOOTH: What do you mean fade away...Woah! Time out. Can we just concentrate on the case. (to officer) What do we got here?
POLICE OFFICER: We were all gathered for the opening. We had, uh, no idea that that thing was in there.
BOOTH: (whistles) Whoa. That is rank.
POLICE OFFICER: I was just expecting to see my 10,000 Maniacs album.
GIL: That was not there.
BOOTH: Who are you?
GIL: I'm Gil Bates. I- I sealed it myself. I used a propoline seal and industrial bolt lags .
BRENNAN: (looking at skull) Adolescent Caucasian male. Late teens, early 20's.
BOOTH: Alright, so..what do you say we just pack it all up and ship it back to the Jeffersonian.
GIL: OH, I'm sorry. That's not a good idea. You see, the water has compromised they structural integrity of the case so-
BOOTH: Would you look at this, Bones. Another nerd for your squint squad.
BOOTH: Drill. Drill? Whoa, wait a second. You're gonna drill right here? What about taking it all back to the Jeffersonian?
(She takes the drill and makes a hole in the side of the capsule – draining the liquid into the bucket.)
(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – a video is playing that was found in the capsule of its burial. The class of 1987 is gathered around the capsule, placing items inside)
(on video)
YOUNG JANELLE: A 1987 Foot Hill year book, of course.
YOUNG TERRY: How about the ghetto blaster.
YOUNG ROGER: Rubik's Cube.
YOUNG ROGER: In 20 years, they'll be able to fit hundreds of those on a microchip.
(Camera pulls back to revel Brennan watching the video as Zack is examining some remains)
ZACK: Victim had several antimortem fractures to his sternum as well as several antimortem fractures to the lateral sections of his ribs.
BRENNAN: All healed?
ZACK: All healed at different times. I had a Michael Jackson glove. I've never mentioned that before.
HODGINS: (entering platform) I loved Chevy Chase. We all have our crosses to bear.
BRENNAN: The fracture on the right clavicle, is fresh. Well, was. 20 years ago.
HODGINS: (watching video) Whoa. Mullet alert.
CAM: (entering platform) Woo. That's a nasty one. Booth got a list of all the students who didn't make it to the capsule opening and he's pulling names of anyone connected to the school in 1987 who had a record.
ANGELA: Oh my god. I'm getting flashbacks to braces and stirrup pants and a really, really bad side ponytail.
HODGINS: Certainly grew out of it. I wore Doc Martens that weighted more than I did.
BRENNAN: Apparently, Booth was fine. He was a football player.
ANGELA: Right. He was one of THOSE guys. Well, this guy (she hold up a sketch) certainly wasn't hanging out with the cheerleaders but I bet he had some love notes stashed away in his Space Balls binder.
ZACK: I think I saw him in the video.
CAM: Roger Dillon. (she holds up a yearbook) Class of 1987.
ZACK: Here he is. (he rewinds the video tape and shows a piece of it)
BRENNAN: How did Roger get from there (pointing to video tape) to here. (pointing to time capsule.)
(Opening Credits)
(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Forensics Platform)
HODGINS: Ran a sample of the sludge.
ZACK: Organic matter.
CAM: Or you can call him, Roger.
HODGINS: Oh, come on. When you can ladle someone, he's a little less than a person. Don't you think? (Cam gives him a look) Fine. I took a sample of Roger, ran it through the mass spectrometer. You never guess what I found. Traces of an unidentified organophosphate.
CAM: Nerve gas?
HODGINS: Very good. I'll break down the rest of the chemicals now.
ZACK: The victim also had a perimortem fracture on his wrist. There are indications of a grate to a chromioclavicular joint separation but it was certainly not lethal.
CAM: I've seen it before. Someone twisted the victims arm behind his back, forcefully.
HODGINS: So he got beat up for his lunch money?
ZACK: Violent students are the hallmark of a school yard. I speak from experience...(he pauses) However, these fractures on his ribs predate high school.
CAM: So, he might have had some trouble at home.
(Cut to: The Dillon Family House. Booth and Brennan are questioning Mr. Dillon.)
BOOTH : I don't understand, Mr. Dillon, why you never reported your son missing?
MR. DILLON: His mother told me Roger ran away.
BRENNAN: You weren't concerned that you're son never contacted you again?
MR. DILLON: He didn't live with me. He didn't want to.
BRENNAN: Because of the physical abuse.
MR. DILLON: Yeah. I was a drinker in those days. And I understood why he wanted to just write me off but I cared about him. I was sick.
BOOTH: When was the last time you saw Roger?
MR. DILLON: It was the night of his high school graduation. He came over here afterwards, asking me for money. A lot.
BRENNAN: You threw him out of the house with his arm twisted behind his back.
MR. DILLON: I swear he..he got up and he walked away. Now this was 20 years ago. What's this all about?
BOOTH: Roger is dead, Mr. Dillon.
BRENNAN: His remains were found yesterday.
MR. DILLON: Oh...God.
BOOTH: Found him at the high school. He's been in a time capsule for 20 years. Any idea why he needed the money?
MR. DILLON: Wouldn't say. Guess it was so he could run away. You should talk to Gil. He was Roger's best friend.
BOOTH: Gil Bates?
BOOTH: That's the Tech Town guy.
MR. DILLON: Yeah. They did everything together.
BOOTH: We'll be in touch.
(They turn and head down the porch stairs)
MR. DILLON: (calling after them) I'm different now. (they stop and turn to him) I'm sober. I never...I never wanted to hurt him. I loved Roger.
BOOTH: Right. (they continue down the path to the car)
(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Forensics Platform.)
HODGINS: The kid basically melted into all of this. Should be able to pull more chemical traces off the artifacts to ID the organophosphate on him.
ANGELA: (pulling items out of the time capsule) Beta. St. Elmo's Fire.
CAM: It's on the list.
ANGELA: One yearbook. Foothill High School. 1987.
CAM: (looking over a list of items) Check. Dehydrate and scan.
ANGELA: (reading from yearbook) “Have a great summer. Don't ever change.” Remember those days?
CAM: I remember getting grounded every weekend. So many rules to break, so little time.
HODGINS: You were the nerd fantasy.
ANGELA: I was all about Barbie.
HODGINS: She was my first anatomy lesson - was confused for years.
CAM: What about Ken? I felt so sorry for him.
ANGELA: Floppy disk the size of a dinner plate.
CAM: Bingo, baby. The disk is not on the list.
HODGINS: (taking the disk from Angela) Wow. What are you? A Term paper. Launch codes.
CAM: We need to pull the data (to Angela) Do you think you're up to it?
ANGELA: I can try. (still digging in capsule) A hockey skate? And it looks like it's signed.
CAM: Check on the skate. Belonged to some jock named John Adamson.
ANGELA: A can of new Coke.
HODGINS: Definitely an 80's plot to destabilize the country.
CAM: Another check.
ANGELA: And a pocket watch.
CAM: A watch is not on the list.
(Hodgins takes it and opens it)
HODGINS: It's a Wallingham. It's nice.
ANGELA: Computer disk and a pocket watch. What was our little geek into.
HODGINS: It's dry. This is a good watch. Some kind of residue.
CAM: Could it help ID the poison?
HODGINS: Let me at it. (he walks away with the watch)
(Cut to Booth's Car.)
BRENNAN: Roger's father had no trouble getting physical so why would he resort to poisoning his son with a nerve agent?
BOOTH: What sort of teenager were you, Bones?
BRENNAN: He did have a series of odd jobs. Perhaps he procured the poison from one of them.
BOOTH: Come on. You have to at least had one good story before you pasted on the lab coat.
BRENNAN: I was busy. Studying.
BOOTH: And in all those hours of studying, you never came across one hormone?
BRENNAN: Fine. There was one boy. Andy Fluger. He was the Varsity Lacrosse captain.
BOOTH: Did you kiss the Varsity Lacrosse captain?
BRENNAN: I was weighing the pros and cons when he became my secret Santa.
BOOTH: I thought you hated secret Santa.
BRENNAN: Yes! Because he taped the gift to my locker. Everyone saw it. Teenagers can be cruel.
BOOTH: What was it?
BRENNAN: Doesn't matter.
BOOTH: Come on, Bones.
BRENNAN: You promise not to laugh?
BOOTH: I promise! I'm your partner.
BRENNAN: It was a Brainy Smurf. (Booth snorts) You said you wouldn't laugh.
BOOTH: (trying to hold back laughter) I'm not laughing. Brainy Smurf, huh?
BRENNAN: What? It was deliberate. He knew I wanted Smurfette! (Booth continues to laugh) Okay, it's clear you find this amusing.
BOOTH: (laughing) I'm not laughing. I'm not. What? (Brennan is not amused)
BRENNAN: You know, Angela was right. You were one of “those guys”.
BOOTH: What? One of what guys?
(Cut to FBI Headquarters – Booth's office. Booth & Brennan are talking with Gil Bates)
GIL: That was Roger in the time capsule? (Brennan nods) I saw his skull. Omg, I saw his skull.
BRENNAN: He's been there since 1987.
GIL: No. Roger took off. He left a note.
BOOTH: A note?
GIL: Graduation night he left his mom a note saying that he hated it here and he was running away.
BOOTH: Yeah, and he went to his father's house to ask for money. Do you know why?
GIL: All I know is that his mom said was in the note he left, so...
BOOTH: Gil. His mother is dead and his father never say it so -
BRENNAN: So, you're the only connection we have to the note.
GIL: It said, uh, you know that he couldn't be around his dad anymore or the kids at school. They picked on him. They use to pick on me too. I guess he just couldn't take it. Why wouldn't he'd just ask for help? He was my best friend. I always thought that I see him again. I can't believe I'll never see him again.
(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab. Cam's office. Hodgins enters.)
HODGINS: Alright. I found several denim fibers on both the gold watch and the floppy, matching what's left of the victims classic acid washed 80's jeans. That places the watch and the disk inside the victims pocket at the time of his murder. I tested the residue inside the watch casing? Pure crystalline tropane alkaloid.
CAM: Roger Dillon had a pocket watch full of cocaine?
HODGINS: So Miami Vice I could roll up my sleeves.
CAM: The FBI sent us the files of everyone connected to the school who had a record. Mostly petty thefts, DUI's - that sort of thing. (she checks the computer) Darwin Banks. Teacher at Foothill High. Arrested in a school wide drug bust - June 12, 1987.
HODGINS: That's two days after Roger disappeared.
CAM: And Roger needed money.
HODGINS: Looks like our young geek might have been killed over a drug deal.
(Cut to FBI Headquarters – Booth's Office. Booth is talking with Darwin Banks.)
BOOTH: You remember Roger Dillon?
BANKS: Foothill High, right? I was his Science teacher. Smart kid. Could have taught the class.
BOOTH: Well, he's dead. We found him stuffed into the Foothill's time capsule. Been there since 1987.
BANKS: Gosh.
BOOTH: Says here in the yearbook that you were the faculty advisor to the Time Capsule Committee.
BANKS: You've got to be kidding.
BOOTH: I usually don't joke around when a 17 year old boy's been murdered. Found evidence of cocaine on him?
BANKS: Roger? No. That kid was clean. The only way he got high was sitting in front of his computer, writing code.
BOOTH: Alright, so help me out here because in '87 you were arrested at the high school for dealing?
BANKS: I wasn't dealing. I was just out of college. I had two joints on me.
BOOTH: And 4oz in your apartment.
BANKS: I was 23. We all do crazy stuff when we're kids.
BOOTH: Exactly.
BANKS: I have my own business now. A wife and two kids. I'm in the Rotary Club for god sakes.
BOOTH: Well, we know that Roger needed money. Maybe he started dealing for you and he wanted a bigger payout. Threatened to turn you in if he didn't get it, so you killed him.
BANKS: I didn't kill him and Roger didn't rat me out. It was Adamson. John Adamson. An entitled ass even at 17. I caught him cheating and the next thing that I know? The cops are knocking on my classroom door. He just wanted to discredit me so he could retake the test.
BOOTH: Right, so you're the victim with the 4oz of weed. Can you confirm your whereabouts on June 14, 1987?
BANKS: If I'm such a big, drug dealing, liar – why would I tell you the truth?
BOOTH: Because you don't want to go to jail for killing Roger Dillon.
(Cut to Sweets office. Booth and Brenna are their for their counseling session)
BOOTH: Come on, Sweets! Just, come on! You've done a lot of psychological profiling! The case is twenty years old. We just need some help.
SWEETS: That's not why we're here today, Agent Booth. This hour is for you and Dr. Brennan.
BOOTH: Oh, she's not gonna mind. It's only going to take 5 minutes. Okay? 1987. Suburban kid is killed and stuffed into a time capsule. (Brennan looks at Booth, annoyed) Fascinating, right? What kind of person would do that?
SWEETS: (ignoring Booth, to Brennan) So have any conflicts or issues arisen since our last session?
BOOTH: (interrupting) Bones and I are doing just great.
SWEETS: You look angry, Dr. Brennan.
BRENNAN: (frustrated) I told Agent Booth a private story about my childhood and he laughed.
BOOTH: What? No. I – (to Brennan in a half whisper) I was appreciating it. Don't get him involved.
BRENNAN: Snorting does not suggest appreciation.
BOOTH: It was about a cartoon character from the 1980's! I didn't think you'd be so sensitive.
SWEETS: Well, childhood icons have great significance to us, Agent Booth. Alright. I, myself, was very attached to Voltron. (Booth and Brennan just look at him) Cartoon.
BOOTH: Voltron?
SWEETS: You're hurt, Dr. Brennan, because you feel you opened yourself up to Agent Booth and he betrayed that trust.
BOOTH: You're talking about a Smurf.
BRENNAN: (defensive) Smurfette.
SWEETS: Perhaps a way to bring this relationship back into symmetry is if you reveal a childhood story about yourself. Show your vulnerability to Dr. Brennan.
BOOTH: No. You know what? This is crazy. It's – it's not right. Tell him that it's not right.
BOOTH: Oh! You're on his side. Why don't you go play Voltron with him.
SWEETS: You were “that guy” weren't you, Agent Booth. You were the golden boy who could get away with anything just by turning on the charm.
BOOTH: That's ridiculous. You don't even know who I am.
SWEETS: Could it be that you're still holding on to that persona. That you're afraid to reveal yourself?
BOOTH: I'm an FBI Agent. I get shot at everyday. I'm not afraid of anything.
SWEETS: Okay, this is obviously very difficult for you but you shouldn't be ashamed to ask for help.
(Booth looks over at Brennan)
BRENNAN: You shouldn't.
BOOTH: Okay. Okay. I apologize. I do. I need help – (he pauses, and Sweets finally thinks he's had a breakthrough) – with this case. So, while you review this, I will reveal myself to Bones. (Booth places his hand on Brennan's leg - Sweets takes notice) I know that sounded weird, but you know what I mean.
BRENNAN: So you will share an emotionally humiliating episode from your youth with me.
BOOTH: Yeah. I – I have 'em. Here. (He hands the file to Sweets)
SWEETS: (taking the file) Alright, excellent. Now, for the remainder of our time, let's role play.
BOOTH: (putting on a hat) Now I know why I'm not allowed to bring my gun in here.
(Sweets nods and laughs)
(Cut to Medico Legal Lab – Forensics Platform. Cam & Hodgins are entering.)
HODGINS: I tested the goop. Found traces of cocaine consistent with the leakage from the gold watch.
CAM: But when I checked the results against samples of his hair and bones they came out negative. Roger didn't do drugs.
HODGINS: So his old teacher was telling the truth? Huh. I also discovered what he was dosed with and how much.
CAM: What?
HODGINS: Malaoxon.
CAM: Malaoxon?
(They leave the platform)
CAM: It's neurotoxic in high doses.
HODGINS: Yeah, but there's barely enough to make a mouse cough.
CAM: So our theory about poisoning is incorrect.
(Zack approaches them)
ZACK: Dr. Saroyan. I found an anomaly on the victims skull.
(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Bone Room. Cam & Zack enter.)
ZACK: When I was cleaning the skull, I found a tiny irregularly on the under surface of the victims mandible. Magnified, it proved to be a tiny, but sharply defined fracture. Judging by it's location, it appears that a weapon was thrust into the neck, cutting through the sternocleidomastoid and severing both the corroded artery and jugular vein.
CAM: Which means Roger must have bled out. Have you determined a weapon?
ZACK: Judging by the microscopic crushing of the bone, the weapon was neither too sharp nor too blunt. It certainly wasn't an edged weapon.
CAM: So, it wasn't a knife.
ZACK: Correct. However, it left an odd textural stain in the crevice. I've taken a sample and will hand it over to Hodgins for testing.
(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Angela's Office. Angela is showing Hodgins the computer)
ANGELA: This little darling, is a Commodore Amiga with a Motorola 6800 chip set using a homemade operation system. I got it from the computer exhibit on the 3rd floor. I used to have this exact computer. (she puts the floppy disk in the drive)
HODGINS: My geek princess. (he kisses her neck) I knew the mall couldn't suck out your soul.
(An early version of a First person shooter game appears on the screen)
ANGELA: Hey. Look at that.
HODGINS: Oh. Oh, this is incredible.
ANGELA: This is like a primitive Doom.
HODGINS: Yeah, you don't see anything wrong with that? Doom came out in 1993. All of this stuff – the 3D rendering, the first person shooting – barely a glints in the geeks eye in 1987.
ANGELA: So Roger was way ahead of his time.
HODGINS: If this game had come out in 1987, Roger Dillon would have been a billionaire, several times over.
ANGELA: And money is always a good motive for murder.
(The WARSTRIKE main screen is shown on the computer screen.)
(Cut to: FBI – Coffee Area. Booth and Brennan are getting coffee.)
BRENNAN: Pretty sure that Sweets would say a lost baseball game - is not personal or revealing.
BOOTH: Football, Bones. Okay. It's Football. Oh, okay. I got one. Alright, personally, between two people or revealing like, uh...aha! (he whispers) naked?
BRENNAN: That's very literal.
BOOTH: There was this girl, Karen Eisley, and we were under the bleachers one night – personally.. With me?
BRENNAN: Got it. You were having sex, in the dirt, under the bleachers.
BOOTH: Excuse me, I'm a gentleman. I brought my sleeping bag.
BRENNAN: Did you fail to perform sexually?
BOOTH: What?
BRENNAN: Cause that might actually count as a humiliation. (she walks past him)
BOOTH: Will you just wait. Will you just - (he starts sprinting after her, stopping her.) - allow me to tell my story.
BOOTH: Thank you. Alright, so this girl had this game where she would ask me a question-
BRENNAN: (interrupting) What kind of question?
BOOTH: It doesn't matter – okay, so if I got the question wrong I'd have to take off a piece of my clothing. Of course, I knew all the answers but I pretended that I didn't.
BRENNAN: So you could take off your clothes.
BOOTH: Exactly. No. The point is I'm standing there, ya know, in my socks and my St. Christopher medal – she runs off. She runs off with the sleeping bag and all my clothes and I'm standing there, starko-
BRENNAN: Well, why did she do that?
BOOTH: Well, I suppose she heard I was under the bleachers with another girl the week before...
BRENNAN: Okay, this is a story about sexual prowess, Booth. You're bragging.
BOOTH: (laughing) I had to run across the campus buck naked.
BRENNAN: You're laughing about it now. You enjoyed displaying your penis. It showed alpha male mastery. Only one other person knew about Brainy Smurf. It was my mother. (she takes off into his office)
BOOTH: (he starts after her again) It's cold. Okay. It's was cold. Do you know what happens to a guy when it is cold (he notices Gil sitting in his office) outside. (to Gil.) Hi.
GIL: Hi. Can we make this quick? My boss doesn't understand why I keep leaving and he's kind of a jerk. So.
BOOTH: What do you know about, uh, Warstrike?
GIL: Wow. I haven't heard that name in a long time.
BRENNAN: We found it on a disk in the time capsule. It was on Roger when he was killed.
GIL: My god.
BOOTH: So you knew about it?
GIL: Yeah, but only as a drawing in his notebook. I didn't know he'd written a code.
BOOTH: Yeah, well according to an expert at the Jeffersonian, someone could make a lot of money off it.
GIL: We planned to. We were gonna start a gaming business after graduation. Roger was the brains and I was the business guy. Wait a minute. You saw the game? It worked?
BRENNAN: If you were partners, why wouldn't he tell you that?
GIL: He was a perfectionist. He would never show me anything unless he thought it was perfect.
BOOTH: Yeah, well maybe he was trying to make a deal with someone else.
GIL: No. No way. We were partners, okay? Best friends our whole lives. Roger would never sell me out like that. We were saving up to buy new computers to create a 3-D rendering farm.
BRENNAN: Computers were expensive back then. Where were you gonna get the money?
GIL: We both worked. I paved driveways and Roger worked a shift at a roller rink.
BOOTH: Hey, I scraped grills at a Burger Shack for $3.55 an hour. That's humiliating.
BRENNAN: Nice try.
GIL: Roger, he made extra money, um, tutoring that cheerleader, Janelle, in math and he got paid to take the SAT's for some coke head hockey player. The kid got into Harvard off Roger's scores.
BOOTH: Coke head? What's his name?
GIL: John Adamson. He's a real nasty piece of work.
(Cut to: Booth's Car.)
BOOTH: (into phone) Great. Thanks. (he hangs the phone up.) John Adamson was the star hockey player at Foothill. Barely graduated from Harvard. Took 5 years.
BRENNAN: He got in by cheating. He didn't deserver to be there.
BOOTH: Maybe Roger was blackmailing Adamson about the SAT scam.
BRENNAN: So, Adamson killed him?
BOOTH: Could a hockey skate have killed the kid? I mean, Adamson's was in the time capsule.
BRENNAN: Metal skate blade could easily cut right through the jugular and the edge could create a sharply defined fracture.
BOOTH: Well, there ya go. He had a motive and a weapon.
(Cut to: Restaurant. Booth and Brennan enter – looking for Adamson. The waiter shows Booth and Brennan where Adamson is sitting. )
WAITER: (to Booth) That table. Waiting over there.
(whispering to each other as they head towards Adamson's table)
BOOTH: You could at least give him twenty bucks. Tip him.
BRENNAN: Why am I suppose to do that?
BOOTH: Grease the palm.
BOOTH: I just – (sighs. They stop whispering as they reach the table) John Adamson? FBI Agent Seely Booth. I'd like to ask you a few questions. Have a seat, Bones.
(They sit down.)
ADAMSON: Senator expects me to concentrate on running his campaign, Agent Booth. I hope this isn't going to be a waste of my time.
BOOTH: Take a look at that.
(Booth takes out a picture of Gill Bates and Roger Dillon.)
BOOTH: Do you remember Gilbert Bates or Roger Dillon from high school?
ADAMSON: No, I'm sorry. Not the name Gilbert Bates nor Roger Dillon means anything to me.
BRENNAN: This boy - was found inside the time capsule dead. You might've heard about that.
ADAMSON: Like I said, I've been busy with the senator's campaign.
BOOTH: Right, cause this kid (points to the picture of Gil) said that this guy (points to the picture of Roger) took the SAT for you. Got you into Harvard?
ADAMSON: SAT’s didn't get me into Harvard, Agent Booth. My slap shot did that.
BRENNAN: So you don't deny that Roger Dillon took the test for you?
ADAMSON: Total cooperation. We keep my sordid academic past in the past?
BOOTH: Sure.
ADAMSON: I paid Roger two hundred bucks to take the test for me. It was a done deal. Two weeks later, he comes knocking at my door, saying if I don't cough up another $500, he'll rat me out.
BOOTH: Roger tell you why he needed the money?
ADAMSON: Nope. Just that a guy like me wouldn't understand. I gave him all the cash I had. Maybe $90 and my watch.
BRENNAN: The watch with the hidden compartment for cocaine?
ADAMSON: I don't know what you're talking about.
(CUT TO: Medico Legal Lab – Brennan’s Office)
(Sweets is sitting on the couch reading Booth’s report while Brennan stands near him, clearing her throat.)
BRENNAN: You’re a very slow reader, Dr. Sweets.
SWEETS: I'm afraid Agent Booth's report on Mr. Adamson is more revealing of Agent Booth than it is of Adamson.
BRENNAN: Really? Why?
SWEETS: That's for Agent Booth to share but I've seen John Adamson on TV enough to know that while he's harmful to the political process, he's not homicidal. He's too sensitive.
BRENNAN: A horny, cocaine-snorting, jock, party boy is sensitive?
SWEETS: Yes, definitely. And emotionally immature, totally dependent upon external validation. Cheap and greedy, too. They're always cheap and greedy.
BRENNAN: You got all this off TV?
SWEETS: The point is, at the age of 17, John Adamson gave Roger Dillon money and a watch. If he had killed Roger, he would have taken his watch back.
BRENNAN: Very convincing.(She takes the file.) The watch part anyway.
SWEETS: All that insight into the intangible enigma of human behavior, and ya zone in on the banal and tangible.
(Hodgins walks in.)
HODGINS: I bring more banal and tangible evidence.
SWEETS: Wow. With you people, it's really go, go, go, isn't it?
HODGINS: We're catching murderers.
SWEETS: And that is so dope, alright? I'm running up a profile right now to help. I love being in the field.
(Sweets heads to the door to leave)
HODGINS: Uh, you're in a secure lab.
SWEETS: Dude, for eight hours a day, I'm surrounded by neurotics. Okay, to me, this is fieldwork. (realizing that Brennan is one of his patients.) Uh, no offense, Dr. Brennan. I'll finish the profile.
(Sweets leaves.)
HODGINS: Anywho, we've determined that the malaoxon in the Roger stew was originally the common organophosphate pesticide, malathion, before it broke down.
BRENNAN: How common?
HODGINS: There was this 1980’s mosquito panic, and malathion was sprayed everywhere. Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services says there was a quadrant bordering Foothill High School that was sprayed at 7:45 PM on Thursday, June 14, 1987.
BRENNAN: Whoa. Why'd they keep such detailed records?
HODGINS: Spraying aerial neurotoxins in an attempt to kill creatures that outlive atomic bombs tends to make bureaucrats consider possible lawsuits, I guess.
(Brennan looks up the map of the area on the computer.)
BRENNAN: It's a housing development.
HODGINS: Yes, but in 1987, it was mostly a swamp. The development was under construction. There were only a few finished homes.
BRENANN: Could the wind have blown the insecticide onto Roger?
HODGINS: In this concentration, Roger had to have been wading right through the middle of it.
BRENNAN: Why would he do that?
HODGINS: There's only one reason. A girl.
BRENNAN: What are you basing that on?
HODGINS: I was a boy. And I searched the 1987 real estate records. Guess who lived in one of the only finished houses. Janelle Brown, head cheerleader.
BRENNAN: He was tutoring her in math.
HODGINS: Exactly.
BRENNAN: Why would he wade through a swamp to get to the house? There had to be roads.
HODGINS: It was quicker. She was a cheerleader. She was hot. He couldn't wait. It’s the boy thing again. Or maybe he was peeping through her window. Could have been a peeper.
(Hodgins heads towards the door)
BRENNAN: Dr. Hodgins, do boys change after high school?
HODGINS: Only on the outside.
(He smiles and leaves. Brennan doesn’t know what to make of the answer.)
(CUT TO: Medico Legal Lab – Angela’s Office. Angela is looking at the yearbook. Hodgins walks in.)
HODGINS: Whoever thought hair like that looked good?
ANGELA: Hey, check this out. This is weird, right?
HODGINS: It's a yearbook. It's supposed to be weird and humiliating.
ANGELA: Yeah, but this is the "Hall of Fame" section. It's usually, "Best Smile" and "Most Likely to Succeed." This is "Most Likely to Get Head Stuck Up Own Ass" and "Best Rack" and "Most Likely to die of VD."
HODGINS: Wait. Somebody put a prank version of the yearbook in the capsule to embarrass everyone 20 years later?
ANGELA: Yup. Look at this.(she flips the book over) "Brought to you by Gruff & Grim."
HODGINS: So, we're looking for two kids who put a yearbook and a body into the time capsule?
(CUT TO: Outside Stinson Residence. Booth and Brennan are getting out of the car)
BOOTH: Okay, Bones, so there was this girl, okay? Sharay Bellapini. Sharay, Sharay. She was the coolest, hottest girl in high school and I wanted to ask her to my junior prom. So what I did was, I bribed the suck up who did the morning announcements-
BRENNAN: Suck up?
BOOTH: Yeah, the kids who did anything to please the teachers. So I get on the loud speaker and I ask her to the prom.
BRENNAN: Uh huh.
BOOTH: On the loudspeaker.
BRENNAN: Thi-This is your embarrassing story?
BOOTH: On the loudspeaker!
BOOTH: I got laughed at for weeks.
BRENNAN: Did she go with you to the prom?
BOOTH: Sure.
BRENNAN: Okay, this is merely another story of victory and sexual conquest.
(Brennan presses the doorbell.)
BOOTH: Look, Bones, they laughed at me. Okay? Laughing has got to count for
BRENNAN: There's no public humiliation in that story, Booth.
(Janelle Stinson opens the door.)
BRENNAN: You don't even know what public humiliation is.
BOOTH: Hi Ms. Stinson. Special Agent Booth, uh ...
BRENNAN: Was your name Janelle Brown in high school?
BOOTH: Mind if we come in and ask you a few questions?
JANELLE: Of course, yeah. Come in.
(Cut to: Inside Stinson Residence. Booth and Brennan show Janelle a picture of herself from high school.)
JANELLE: Look at her. I wish I was Janelle Brown again.
(She gives the photo back to Booth.)
JANELLE: Or at least parts of me do. You know what I mean?
BOOTH: You lived at 224 Green Gates Crescent?
JANELLE: Yeah. Just a few blocks from here.
BRENNAN: It backed onto a swamp.
JANELLE: Yeah. I was scared of that swamp as a little girl.
BOOTH: How well did you know Roger Dillon?
JANELLE: Oh, I don't know. He was my math tutor and, well, math wasn't really my thing, so I needed a lot of help, and well - he kind of developed a crush on me. He was actually kind of cute in a non-jock way, you know? Sweet. Oh, he loved The Cure.
BRENNAN: For what? What did he have?
BOOTH: (whispers to Brennan) It's a band, Bones. It's..it's-it's a band. (to Janelle) Um, did he tutor you at your place?
JANELLE: Uh huh. My place or the library. Usually my place. I think he liked it there. You know, his own place wasn't very nice.
BOOTH: Do you remember seeing him on, uh, June 14, 1987?
ALEX: (from off screen) Mom?
JANELLE: Uh, I'm in here, honey.
BRENANN: It would have been the last day of school.
(Alex Stinson walks in.)
JANELLE: Oh, uh...
ALEX: I'm going to Pete's.
(Booth and Brennan stand.)
ALEX: What's going on?
JANELLE: Um, these people are with the FBI. They're investigating the time capsule murder.
(Brennan looks at Alex.)
BOOTH: Nothing to worry about. Your parents were just friends of the victim.
ALEX: Well, that sucks.
JANELLE: Yeah. Honey, why don't you go to Pete's?
(Janelle and Alex leave the room, but Brennan continues to look after him. As soon as they’re out of site, she gets up, goes over to the mantle and looks at a photograph of the Stinson family.)
JANELLE: (O.S.) If you're going to be late, just give me a call, 'cause you have your cell phone, right?
ALEX: (O.S.) I have it.
JANELLE: (O.S.) Okay.
(Brennan tucks the photo into her jacket.)
BOOTH: (whispering to Brennan) What are you doing?
(Brennan shoves the picture frame in her jacket to hide it)
ALEX: (O.S.) See you later, Mom.
JANELLE: (O.S.) Okay.
(Janelle comes back into the room. Booth sits back down.)
JANELLE: You know, I-I think I actually did see Roger on the last day of school.
JANELLE: Like I said, he was my tutor.
BOOTH: Why would he come to your house on the last day of school?
JANELLE: Honestly? He brought me my graded final, but he'd have used any excuse. I didn't encourage him, but- (she laughs) high school was so long ago and none of us is the same person. I'm sorry Roger ended up that way, but after he dropped off my final, I never saw him again, so-
BOOTH: Well, uh-
BRENNAN: (interrupting. She stands.) Thank you, Ms. Stinson.
JANELLE: Oh, yes. Uh-huh, of course.
(Booth stands up)
(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Angela’s Office. Brennan walks in and joins Angela, who is at the computer.)
BRENNAN: Could you please call up Terry Stinson from the Foothill yearbook?
(She pulls up the page)
ANGELA: Track team, vice president of the Student Council, runner up for Mr. Popularity.
BRENNAN: Where does it say that?
ANGELA: It's the type, sweetie. He's Mr. Second Best. It's kind of like when you want Brad Pitt and you get Matthew McConaughey.
BRENNAN: Pull up the photo of his son, Alex.
(Angela pulls up the photo that Brennan stole on the computer.)
BRENNAN: Alex Stinson shows three classic examples of Mendelian inheritance. A cheek dimple on the left side, cleft chin and detached earlobes.
ANGELA: Distinct facial features, wide-set eyes, asymmetrical nostrils.
BRENNAN: Just like his dad.
ANGELA: It's nothing like his dad. (after realizing what Brennan is getting at) Oh, boy.
BRENNAN: Could you please replace Terry Stinson with Roger Dillon?
(Angela pulls up Rogers picture and parts of the facial feature of both match perfectly)
ANGELA: Oh, boy. Twenty years ago, Terry Stinson finds out that Roger Dillon has sex with his girlfriend.
BRENNAN: And he kills him.
(Cut to: FBI Headquarters - Conference Room. Booth and Brennan are talking with Janelle and her husband, Terry Stinson.)
TERRY: Of course we'll take a DNA test.
BOOTH: You realize in a murder investigation, we can't rule anything out.
BRENNAN: Did you know that it was possible that Alex was not your biological son?
TERRY: What? (to Janelle) Is it possible?
BOOTH: Is it?
JANELLE: Can I answer that after the DNA test? (Terry sighs.) I guess I just did.
BOOTH: (to Terry) So you didn't know?
JANELLE: Terry didn't know.
BOOTH: Alex was born on January 7, 1988.
TERRY: I don't believe this. That means you were pregnant in the spring already. You just wanted me to believe that the baby was mine?
JANELLE: No, no. I wanted - the baby inside me to be yours.
TERRY: I don't get this. Roger – what- but he was - why did you sleep with Roger?
JANELLE: He was sweet. He was-I knew he was nuts about me. I liked feeling special. You know, let's face it, Terry. Back then, you were “that guy”.
TERRY: What guy?
JANELLE: The guy who did anything he wanted. You didn't need me. Roger- he came over that day. He came through the swamp. He was filthy. His father had just beaten him up-
BOOTH: Ms. Stinson, did you tell Roger that he had gotten you pregnant?
JANELLE: Yes. He wanted to marry me. He said he could get the money for us to go away together, but I told him I didn't want to. I was back with you by then. Only you.
TERRY: Why didn't you tell me?
JANELLE: When I told you I was pregnant, you were so happy. That's when I knew that you loved me. That you weren't "that guy." That we could have a great life together and we did.
BRENNAN: I'm sorry. I had to borrow one of your pictures.
(She slides the picture frame across the table)
BOOTH: (whispers) You stole that. (to Janelle) Uh, what did you think happened to Roger?
JANELLE: I don't know. (Terry slides the family photo over to look at it.) He had the money. He was never happy here. I figured that he just took off by himself. (to Terry) I am so sorry. I always wanted to tell you the truth, but I just-I just couldn't figure out how to tell you that Alex wasn't yours.
(Terry looks at the photo of the family again.)
TERRY: Alex is my son. We are a family.
(Janelle nods.)
(CUT TO: Medico Legal Lab- Brennan’s Office. Booth and Brennan are talking with Sweets)
SWEETS: Well, the murder happened at night on a high school playing field, not a likely place to find adults. Plus, teenagers are dominated by their ids, which make them act irrationally. Physiologically, their judgment's impaired by an incomplete frontal lobe.
BOOTH: You're what, 22, right? How's your front lobe? Almost there?
SWEETS: Again, a hectoring tone.
BOOTH: Alright, look, I'm sorry, just keep going.
SWEETS: Alright, there was no sexual assault, no theft. The watch and other effects were still on him. Further indications that this was just a rash and youthful act.
BOOTH: Right, right. That's good - for a kid.
BRENNAN: This is guesswork, Booth.
SWEETS: It's a logical interpretation of subjective analysis by a highly intelligent expert in his field, actually. The killer knew the exact date the time capsule would be opened when he put the victim in there. He's been waiting twenty years for that body to be found so he could reconcile himself with his past and finally pay for his crime.
BOOTH: Like Terry Stinson?
SWEETS: No. (sighs) I think you're looking for someone who's been punishing himself for years. Someone self-destructive, working far below his potential.
BOOTH: Then why doesn't he just confess?
SWEETS: Most likely he has in some way, Agent Booth. The question is, were you listening?
BRENNAN: Agent Booth is an incredibly good listener.
BOOTH: Yeah, I really am. It's my strength.
SWEETS: Then perhaps the time capsule was just a convenient place to stash a body. You know, profiling's not an exact science - (Brennan rolls her eyes.) -but I hope I'm right. I really want to tell my girlfriend I helped catch a murderer. It'd be a good night for me.
(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Forensic Platform)
HODGINS: The textural stain on the under surface of Roger's mandible was liquid petroleum.
CAM: An oil product?
HODGINS: I know. I know. Dead common, right? But I did some further analysis.
(He sits at the computer and brings up the images on the screen.)
HODGINS: I found that there were microscopic particles of granite embedded in the petroleum. Also, all over the broken seal of the time capsule.
CAM: Definitely not John Adamson's ice skate.
HODGINS: Yeah, not unless he skated on asphalt. Twenty years ago - what I'm seeing as petroleum was asphalt. It was driven into Roger's bone with a flat, metal-
CAM: An asphalt shovel?
CAM: Gil Bates worked paving driveways.
(Cut to: FBI Headquarters – Interrogation room. Booth and Brennan are sitting with Gil Bates.)
GIL: Roger was my best friend.
BRENNAN: Gruff and Grim, right?
BOOTH: Who was who?
GIL: I was Gruff. Roger was Grim.
BRENNAN: So you went out to the field that night to plant the yearbook in the time capsule.
BOOTH: Right, surprise everyone 20 years down the line.
BRENNAN: You dug up the capsule and you broke the seal with the asphalt shovel.
BOOTH: Your amigo, Grim, wanted his money back?
BRENNAN: The money that you earmarked for your business, all those computers that were going to make you rich.
BOOTH: And you couldn't do that, Gruff. You just couldn't give Grim back the money.
GIL: Could you stop using those names?
BRENNAN: Did he tell you that it was for Janelle Brown?
BOOTH: I bet he did. I bet old Grim said, "You know what, I'm sorry, Gruff, but there's this girl and our plans, they're done."
GIL: I asked you to just stop using the names.
BOOTH: You know, but then Grim said, "You know what? My dream has changed. You and me, Grim and Gruff? We're finished."
GIL: (jumps to his feet) Stop it! You don't know what you're talking about!
BOOTH: We don't know what?
BRENNAN: Did he tell you it was because she was pregnant?
(Gil looks at them, surprised)
BOOTH: He should've told you. You would have understood.
GIL: Understood what?
BRENNAN: Janelle was pregnant with Roger's son.
GIL: Oh, my God. He didn't say. He just said that he loved her. I told him-I told him how stupid that was. I said that she'd never look at someone like him and-he got all pissed and then he hit me. And I just, I went and I picked up the shovel and I just-I just jabbed. It was an accident. It was just a jab. He held his neck and he went all white.
(He starts to sob)
BRENNAN: The wound severed both his jugular and his carotid. He would have died quickly.
GIL: He did. I-I held him and I told him I was sorry. He knew that I didn't mean it. I loved the guy. He has a kid?
GIL: I hope I get the chance to tell him about his father.
(Cut to: Royal Diner. Booth and Brennan are sitting at a table, talking)
BOOTH: Alright, there was this kid, uh, junior year.
BRENNAN: Okay, is this going to be another story where you think you were humiliated, but you actually were not?
BOOTH: Just listen to me. This kid. Junior year. Harlan Kinney. He was one of those real weird, ya know, looking kids. He had this big Adam's apple stickin out and he wore his dad's clothes to school. Ya know, with the whole stretchy belt around his waist.
BRENNAN: What's wrong with that? It's practical.
BOOTH: You're not listening. He was one of those real superior types, always talking out of a thesaurus, and one day he came up to me and a bunch of my buddies and he called us a bunch of Philistines. You know what that means, right?
BRENNAN: Yeah. A Philistine is a smug, ignorant person who is antagonistic toward higher thought and intelligence.
BOOTH: Yeah, well, I didn't know what that meant till I looked it up. I told Kinney, "Look, I'm not Philistine. I'm Catholic."
BRENNAN: (laughs) That's pretty close to humiliation.
BOOTH: No, that's embarrassing, that's not the humiliating part.
BOOTH: My buddy picked Kinney up and dangled him over the stairway. You know, he begged and cried, and everyone laughed.
BRENNAN: How is this about you?
BOOTH: I laughed.
BRENNAN: I don't understand.
BOOTH: I could've stopped it. I could've stepped in and helped the kid out. Instead I-I didn't. Chose my side, and it was the wrong side.
BRENNAN: So you were humiliated because you didn't act like a hero?
BOOTH: Fine. Fine. You know what? I'm perfect. My life was perfect.
BRENNAN: It's a good story, okay? But it's a bad one. I - it's both, I guess. I mean, I get it.
BOOTH: Yeah?
BRENNAN: (noticing that Booth has something in his hand) What is that?
BOOTH: (crossing his arms and hides it from her) Nothing.
BRENNAN: Well, you evolved. And evolution is very impressive and that is definitely not nothing.
BOOTH: (holding up Brainy Smurf) This?
BRENNAN: Did you bring that for me?
BRENNAN: Good, because it's the wrong Smurf. I liked Smurfette. That's Brainy Smurf.
BOOTH: Well, Smurfette was a stupid, shallow Smurf who only had her looks. Look, you're better than Smurfette. You have your looks and a whole lot more.
BRENNAN: You did bring that for me to charm me in case I didn't find your humiliation story impressive, but I did, so ...
BOOTH: Aha! So I did impress you.
BRENNAN: That's what impressive means, dummy. You're such a Philistine.
BOOTH: (he laughs) I'll tell you what. You can hold on to this, and it will remind you how far I've come.
BRENNAN: (taking the Smurf from Booth) I forgive you for snorting, Booth.
BOOTH: Evolution is a long, long process. It takes hundreds of years.
BRENNAN: Thousands.
BOOTH: Why do you have to always correct me?
BRENNAN: To help you evolve.
(Booth smiles, Brennan smiles back at him and shakes her head.)
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