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“Soccer Mom in the Mini Van”

Episode 3x02 (Prod 3x03)

Written By: Elizabeth Benjamin

Directed by: Allan Kroeker

Transcribed by traciepwns

Disclaimer: The characters, plotlines, quotes, etc. included here are owned by Hart Hanson, all rights reserved. This transcript is not authorized or endorsed by Hart Hanson or Fox.





(A minivan approaches a field where kids are playing soccer. A woman gets out of the car, throws her coffee cup away in a nearby trashcan and looks at the children playing. She then touches her locket, smiles and heads back towards the car. In the car, she tucks a note inside her bag. She backs out of the space and as she puts her car into drive, it explodes)


[Cut to: Crime scene a few hours later – crawling with FBI agents. Booth and Brennan get out of the car and approach the mini van]


BOOTH: Look, Bones, all I’m saying is that Caroline went though a lot of trouble to get you private visitation with your father, now you don’t want it.


BRENNAN: The federal detention facility already has visiting areas.


BOOTH: Yeah, behind 2 inch glass. Now you’ll be able to give your old man a hug.(he demonstrates on Brennan)


BRENNAN: I didn’t ask for special treatment, Booth.


BOOTH: That’s because you don’t have to because you are special. And you are gonna tell me – whoa – what happened to whatever the hell is melted to that steering wheel and everything else.


BRENNAN (looking at the remains): Female. Mid 40’s to late 50’s. Pelvis indicates she’s given birth.


BOOTH: Hey, Bones. Look at that. (points to a finger with a ring on it) Married, right?


BRENNAN: Wedding ring. Possibility. (to another FBI Agent) Don’t just focus on the ground (she points to a leg in a nearby tree then to Booth) Why do you care about my relationship with my father, Booth? You were only too happy to arrest him and put him in prison.


BOOTH: Alright, look Bones. Ya know what, it’s not about being happy, okay. It’s about doing my job.


BRENNAN: Do we know if it was a bomb that caused the explosion?


BOOTH: Well, let’s see. The roof is peeled back and the doors –


BRENNAN: I was asking him. (she points to another FBI Agent)


FBI AGENT: We found explosive residue all over the van and metal fragments in the bushes.


BOOTH: What is that? A Pipe bomb?


FBI: I can't really be sure until the explosives unit gets the van back to the lab.


BRENNAN: No, they can’t have the van. There are remains seared all over the inside of the vehicle and they can’t be compromised.


FBI AGENT: I have to call –


BRENNAN: This van will be brought to the Jeffersonian - your bomb techs can look at it there.


FBI AGENT: I’ll….make the call?


BOOTH: That's – that's alright. You go, go make that call. Bones, come on . You’re a little harsh there, maybe you want to talk it out.


BRENNAN: (pulls a necklace from the car) Look, Booth.


BOOTH: It's a locket. Ugh, probably her daughter.


BRENNAN: Who would want to blow up a soccer mom?




(Cut to: Jeffersonian: Forensics area)


ANGELA: Hey, you have a skull for a facial reconstruction?


ZACK: Help yourself.


ANGELA: Oh, great. Is this all I have to work with? I always hated puzzles.


BRENNAN: Hodgins, before we take that hand from the wheel, you might want to check the fingernails for particulates.


HODGINS: You know I do.


ANGELA: Oh. My. God.


ZACK: Shouldn’t you wait for the bomb tech before you gather the explosive residue?


HODGINS: Hey, just getting enough to verify his results. Remember, he’s a government bureaucrat.


ANGELA: Hey, you’re a government bureaucrat, babe.


HODGINS: In name only. I am a passionate, dedicated scientist who will not be cowed by authoritarian pressure.


CAM: Stay out of the van until the bomb tech comes, Hodgins.




CAM: Out.


HODGINS: Fine. I have to check the fingernails anyway.


CAM (to Angela): How close are we to ID’ing the victim?


ANGELA: Well. This is the skull. I’m good, but I’m not that good.


BRENNAN: Perhaps you could use these. There’s a portion of tongue, hair and brain matter?


ANGELA: Okay. If anybody needs me, I’m gonna go throw up, then do some paper work.


(As Angela turns to leave, Booth enters with a female agent)


BOOTH: Okay, this is Special Agent Frost from the bomb unit.


AGENT FROST: Booth pulled me out of an important lunch. It took me months to set up that meeting. It better be good, Booth.


BOOTH: She’ll be working with you, Hodgins.


HODGINS (starting at Frost): Yes, please. What? No, no. Um, hmm? Ja..Hodgins. Doc – Doctor. Okay.


AGENT FROST: I beg your pardon?




ANGELA: He’s Dr. Jack Hodgins. Angela. Montenegro. I do facial reconstructions – and him.

AGENT FROST: Please to meet you. (she walks over to where the stuff is ) I’m gonna need you to recover all the metallic particulates then I’m gonna need a chemical tray with-


FROST & HODGINS: Aqueous buffer solution.


HODGINS: Yeah. I know.


HODGINS: You wanna perform capillary electrophoresis?


FROST: We can do that?


HODGINS: Oh yeah. (Angela coughs in the background) And it will save time so Angela and I can have dinner. Alone.


ANGELA: Hm (she turns and leaves)


BOOTH: License plate was destroyed when we traced the VIN number on the van. It was registered to Jeremy Nash in Culpepper, Virginia.


BRENNAN: He looks familiar.


BOOTH: Man, our victim was traveling with a lot of stuff - clothes and personal items.


BRENNAN: Photo album. Most of the pictures were burned, but the man in this photo could be Nash.


CAM: She packed herself up, keepsakes and all, and took off in the van? Looks like Mrs. Nash was leaving Mr. Nash.


BOOTH: Ah, god. I hate domestic cases. Alright, so let's got talk to the husband.


BRENNAN: I can't. I'm seeing my father.




BRENNAN: You and Caroline went to a lot of trouble setting this up. I would hate to appear ungrateful.


BOOTH: But – (he starts to follow after her, but stops then – to Cam) I'll go talk to, um, the husband by myself.


(Cut to: Prison – Day. Max is escorted into a private visiting room to meet with Brennan)


PRISION GUARD: Alright, Max. There ya go.

MAX: Ooh, gee. Real chairs. It's nice to have an important daughter (he goes to kiss her but she moves away)


BRENNAN: This is Booth, not me.


MAX: Well, you thank him for me. I always liked Booth. Nicest guy that ever arrested me.


BRENNAN: Touching.


MAX: Well, you must like this. Me in here. I finally have to follow the rules.


BRENNAN: So that makes me less than you because I think people should follow the rules?


MAX: You're upset.


BRENNAN: Yeah, of course I'm upset. My father's a criminal.


MAX: No, outlaw. There's a difference.


BRENNAN: Subtle distinctions like that are lost on me and, I imagine, your victims.


MAX: I know you want some sort of, uh, nice, neat story that puts my life into perspective for you but it doesn't work that way.


BRENNAN: You could try. Don’t I deserve that?


MAX: I guess I always had a problem with authority. I just always saw myself fighting the system. Kinda like Robin Hood.


BRENNAN: Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You're here for murdering the Deputy Director of the FBI.


MAX: He was a crook. He was a killer and he was going to kill you.


BRENNAN: And you walked out on Russ and me when I was fifteen!


MAX: But that was to protect you, people were after us.


BRENNAN: Because you were a criminal.


MAX: Outlaw. See, I knew you weren't gonna understand.


BRENNAN: Ya know what? You're right. This is my fault for expecting we could get past-

MAX: We can get past this. We can. The court, they're gonna decide how to punish me but now, here – we'll make this whatever we want.


BRENNAN: (She reaches in her bag and pulls out a deck of cards) Here are the cards you asked for. I gotta go.


MAX: Wait. These are for us.




MAX: Come on. You remember that game we used to play when you were five years old?




MAX: Blitz. Blitz. Come on. Let's play a couple of hands.


BRENNAN: You always beat me. I remember that too. A good father would occasionally allow his child to win.


MAX: I don't believe in encouraging all that, ah, that self esteem crap. You wanna win? Earn it. That's why you're so good at what you do now cause you know that nobody is gonna hand you anything.


BRENNAN: (sarcastically) So you were a great father.


MAX: Well, maybe just not as bad as you think. How 'bout this, one hand? Come on.


BRENNAN: (gets up and heads towards the door) Let me know if you need anything else.


MAX: Oh, oh, oh. Socks. Socks. You know the, uh, with the arch supports? I gotta stand on that chow line forever.


(Max watches her as she leaves the room without saying anything)


(Cut to: Nash Residence. Booth is questioning Jeremy Nash)




BOOTH: Yeah, I'm sorry. Were you and your wife having any problems?


JEREMY NASH: What? What kind of problems?


BOOTH: Well, she was traveling with a lot of personal stuff: I mean, photo albums and more clothes than she -


JEREMY NASH: That “stuff” was for Celia's new dorm room. She was bringing her clothes, thing to help her decorate – You're FBI for God's sakes. You have no idea who did this? What is this your first case?


BOOTH: Just relax, okay? I'm just here to help, Mr. Nash, that's all.


JEREMY NASH: How do I tell Celia? How do I – tell my daughter-


(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Room. Focus on a clear box with flesh eating beetles inside.)


ZACK: Dermestes maculates. They clean the bones by eating the charred flesh.


HODGINS: But they leave behind pieces of shrapnel you might need.


AGENT FROST: Fascinating and very weird.


ZACK: (with pride) They're mine.


AGENT FROST: Not a surprise.


(BRENNAN enters.)


HODGINS: (to Brennan) Hey! Hi. How as your visit with your-


BRENNAN: Not germane to the investigation, Hodgins. (While Brennan is talking, Hodgins is looking at Agent Frost) Zack. Her left shoulder was badly shattered but still shows evidence of old trauma. I need the clean bones as soon as they're ready. I also would like you to look at the manubrium. These shadows look like pitting. Have you determined what kind of bomb was used?


AGENT FROST: I'm still sifting through the debris and waiting for whatever goodies these bugs leave behind.


BRENNAN: And Dr. Hodgins is just keeping you company?


HODGINS: What? No. I'm – working. Hard. (Brennan and Zack just look at him) I'm gonna go right now and work. Hard. Some-someplace else. So – (he turns to go – Brennan and Zack still staring at him and Agent Frost looking at the beetles)


(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Basement/Storage. Angela is at a computer trying to figure out some symbols for the Widows' Son case.)


HODGINS: Hey. What are you doing down here?


ANGELA: Oh, analyzing the iconography for the Widow's Son case until somebody needs me for the bomb victim.


HODGINS: Look, Angie, Um- Agent Frost is a colleague and I am a professional. Okay, so all that stammering and stuff – I mean that's not – that isn't – you know that's involuntary – it's a bodily thing. Yeah. That didn't come out right. Look, I'm not gonna deny that she is attractive -


ANGELA: Oh, totally hot.




ANGELA: The bombshell from the Bomb Squad. She's totally hot.


HODGINS: Yeah, I know. I mean -


ANGELA: Look, Jack. I really don't care what's going on in your pants as long as it stays in your pants.


HODGINS: You know who's totally hot? You. You are totally -


ANGELA: Okay, save it. What have you got?


HODGINS: (he hands her some singed pieces of paper found in the van) These were in Any Nash's bag.


ANGELA: There's writing on them.


HODGINS: Yeah. Yeah, Cam needs you to restore them.


ANGELA: Well, I'll give it a try.


AGENT FROST: (O.S.) Dr. Hodgins! I need your samples for the spectrometer.


HODGINS: I – I – I – I have to uh – so I love you and – (he kisses her on the cheek)






(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Hallway. Booth & Brennan are walking)


BOOTH: Nash is gonna pick up his kid, tell her in person. I mean, I don't know how you do that. Tell your kid that your mother just got blown up?


BRENNAN: I would think a direct approach would be best.


BOOTH: What? As opposed to what? Sugar coating it? 'Hey, what do you say we go to the park oh and by the way, your mom just got blown up?' How's your dad? You haven't mentioned him.


BRENNAN: Apparently, his feet hurt.


BOOTH: You know, I mean his spirits.


BRENNAN: Well, he's a con man, Booth. He's always cheerful.


BOOTH: What? That's it?


BRENNAN: It's not like I ever really had a father. Max was absent for years.


BOOTH: Well, here's what I know. I know that Nash girl would give anything to spend one more day with her mother. I'm sure you'd feel the same way if something happened to your father.


(Hodgins approaches them)


HODGINS: I confirmed triphenylmethane dye and iron sulfate embedded in the manubrium and the flesh. (Booth looks at Hodgins, confused.) Both are found in ball point ink.


BOOTH: AH! It's a home made tattoo.


HODGINS: Angela's working on recreating the design.


(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Angela's Office. The computer is trying to render a design of the tattoo)


ANGELA: This tattoo appears to have been crudely executed.


BOOTH: Hm, you mean like a prison tat.


CAM: No record of her being in prison.


HODGINS: In Russia, prisoners made tattoo ink by burning the heel of a shoe and mixing it with soot and urine.


BRENNAN: This was a ball point pen, rigged with a sewing needle, pushed down so deep it penetrated her periosteum.


BOOTH: Ah! You mean – bone.


CAM: Doesn't seem like a very soccer mom thing to do.


ANGELA: And...here we go. (the computer starts to finish the rendering)


CAM: An inverted pentagram? Devil worship.


HODGINS: Mom had a little thing going on the side with Satan? Oh, the burbs.


ANGELA: There is a design in the center that I can't quite get.


HODGINS: Wait, wait, wait. Is that a fist?


BRENNAN: A fist?


BOOTH: A fist.


ANGELA: Yeah. Oh my God. It is a fist.


HODGINS: So she wasn't Satan's old lady – she was in the NLA.




BOOTH: National Liberation Army.


HODGINS: Student radicals in the 70's. Thought they could change the world. Set off bombs in army recruiting offices, torched cop cars-


BOOTH: Yeah, real visionaries. They also shot and killed a cop in '75.


HODGINS: That was the burglary. They broke into house of a defense contractor to rip off his safe- said it was the people's money. Here. June Harris and her boyfriend, Neil Watkins were charged with the murder, but never found.


BOOTH: The FBI's been looking for them for 30 years.


CAM: And there they are.


ANGELA: And our victim? (she does a side by side comparison of June Harris & Amy Nash) It's the same woman.


BRENNAN: So, our soccer mom – was a killer.




(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Forensics Platform.)


CAROLINE: People! Please tell me that all your fancy ass equipment is wrong.


BOOTH: Oh! (He covers his ears as she sets off the alarm as she enters the platform and a security guy swipes his card.)


BRENNAN: You're not supposed to be up here.


CAROLINE: Booth can shoot me later. (she looks at the remains laid out on the table) This can not be June Harris.


BRENNAN: But the dentals match. Angela's reconstruction matches.


BOOTH: Amy Nash was June Harris.


CAROLINE: Por qui moi? She couldn't have waited 4 days to turn herself into a charcoal briquette?


BRENNAN: I – don't understand.


BOOTH: Caroline? Why are you here?


CAROLINE: June Harris was turning herself in. I arranged with her attorney for the surrender. He was gonna deliver her on Thursday after she said goodbye to her family.


BRENNAN: What was the deal?


CAROLINE: 9 years.


BOOTH: 9 years for killing a cop?


CAROLINE: For turning herself in and laying this all to rest. And since she still maintained her innocence, this was going to be a tough case to prosecute.


BOOTH: Sam Reilly was the lead on this case for 30 years. He was okay with 9 years?


CAROLINE: He doesn't know. Part of the deal. He wasn't to be consulted.


BOOTH: Well, you know what? It's okay to tell him now. I know Sam. He deserves that much after 30 years.


CAROLINE: Up to you, you're the lead now, Cher. You should bring in Huntzinger. He was her attorney. He might know something.


HODGINS: Love Huntzinger. Real old time lefty. Worked the Chicago 7 Trial. Sued Nixon, the CIA, Bush -


BOOTH: That's great, let's get out of here before Hodgins gives him the pinko medal of honor. (to Brennan) Are you coming?


BRENNAN: I can't. Zack and I have to pull the rest of the shrapnel for the bomb tech and then I have to buy some socks for my dad.


CAROLINE: Leave her be, Cher. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.


BOOTH: (turning back to Brennan as Caroline drags him out) Socks?


(Cut to: FBI – Agent Sam Reilly, Booth & Caroline are coming out of a conference room – and start to walk down the hallway.)


AGENT SAM REILLY: I have worked this case for 30 years and you don't think I deserve a phone call?


CAROLINE: It was part of the deal.


SAM: And you Booth. I trained you. You think this is right? To blow me off like this?


BOOTH: I just got thrown the case, Sam. Don't go wailing on me.


SAM: Damn lawyers. Working the case for 30 years and you don't think it deserves a damn phone call. Hey. I'm talking to you. (Booth and Caroline turn around)


CAROLINE: No. You're yelling at me and my ears are starting to ring. Now I'm sorry after 40 years, as an agent for the FBI, you're still a little girl but I'd like to find out who killed June Harris. So how 'bout you stop whining and help. Okay, Cher?


(Caroline leaves)


BOOTH: So. How have ya been , Sam?


SAM: Shut up, Booth.


(Cut to: FBI – Observation Room. Sam watches as Caroline & Booth interrogate Leonard Huntzinger)


CAROLINE: So what's in the bag, Lenny.


HUNTZINGER: Toothbrush, change of underwear. You guys always find some reason to toss me in the can. No belt. No laces. I'm ready.


BOOTH: Yeah. Great. Well, we just want to ask you a few questions about June Harris's death.


HUNTZINGER: I loved June Harris. I loved what she stood for and what she did with her life. Nobody has her balls anymore.


CAROLINE: Except maybe, Neil Watkins.


HUNTZINGER: Yeah. You'd love that, wouldn't you. Blame another revolutionary.


BOOTH: Do you know where Watkins is?


CAROLINE: They were partners in crime. I don't think he would want to risk June turning him in.


HUNTZINGER: You ever hear of attorney/client privilege?


CAROLINE: Ever hear of Obstruction of Justice?


BOOTH: Ya know, a woman is dead. She's not a martyr to her family, just someone they loved.


CAROLINE: If you can understand that.


HUNTZINGER: Cooperating with that system (Sam leaves the observation room) perpetuates that system..


BOOTH: Yeah, yeah.


HUNTZINGER: If the system's corrupt-


BOOTH: Blah, blah, blah. So what's next, Leonard? Are ya gonna warn Watkins that we're on to him?


(Sam bursts through the door and goes after Huntzinger)


BOOTH: Sam. Sam. Sam. Sam.


SAM: You son of a bitch. Watkins are Harris are not heroes. (Booth holds Sam back) You want to know how they changed society? Ask the kid who's father they killed.


HUNTZINGER: I know that kid. He became a cop just like his father. Very touching.


(Sam goes to go after Huntzinger again and Huntzinger pushes him back.)


SAM: You son of a –


HUNTZINGER: Get out of here.


(Booth steps in again and holds Huntzinger back.)


BOOTH: Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.


CAROLINE: You just hit a Federal Agent, Mr. Huntzinger. Good thing you brought your toothpaste.


HUNTZINGER: What a surprise. Lock me up to shut me up. You should be talking to that kid, Valenti, instead of busting my ass. The pig comes to me the other day, he wants to know where June is. He said he got a letter from her, as if she's write him or I'd give her up. Hey. (He lifts up his shirt) See these bruises? A gift – from your noble son of a cop.


(Cut to: Prison – Day. Max is in the visitors room with Brennan.)


MAX: Nice and soft. I'll be the best dressed on cell block 8. Thanks.




MAX: (sighs) Honey. I'm sorry.


BRENNAN: For what?


MAX: For- for being such a disappointment as a father. You deserve better. And I should have told you sooner. (Brennan says nothing) Well, that's it? Nothing?


BRENNAN: Well, what were you expecting? I agree with you.


MAX: I was expecting some tears or a hug or something. I did apologize. That's what you wanted, isn't it?


BRENNAN: Well, you didn't mean it?


MAX: Of course I meant it. Listen. Under any objective standard you have a horrible human being for a father but I'm trying to move on. I got caught so that I could be with you. I was hoping you'd meet me half way.


BRENNAN: I'm here, aren't I? (after a pause) I – (she reaches into her bag) got you shampoo. Soap isn't good for your hair.


MAX: Oh, nice. I – I don't want to smell to good, that could be a problem around here.

(Brennan smiles) There, see. That's better. Thanks.




MAX: So the prosecutor's gonna want to talk to you about me. It wouldn't hurt if you, uh, had some good things to say about your old man. Might even offer to testify on my behalf.


BRENNAN: Is that why you finally apologized?


MAX: What?


BRENNAN: To use me? Maybe you'd like me to alter evidence now. That way I could join the family business.


MAX: How could you think that?


BRENNAN: I don't know, Max. Maybe because I seem to pass in and out of your life when it's most convenient. Maybe because you built a whole career using your considerable charm to manipulate people?


MAX: Wait, listen. I know that it's hard to trust me, I know, and it's gonna take some time to fix things, but we can -


BRENNAN: No. No. Some things break and you can't put them back together again. That's just the way it is. I was find on my own, Max. I was just fine. (she gets up and leaves)


MAX: Wait, please. (he's left in the room, alone)


(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Hodgins work area)


AGENT FROST: Electrophoresis in HPLC shows potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulfur in a 75/15/10 ratio.


HODGINS: Graphite glaze, triple F goex. Supporting grade -


AGENT FROST: You are a constant surprise.


HODGINS: Yes. Yes, I am.


AGENT FROST: I don't know many people who get as excited as I do about the chemical makeup of explosives.


HODGINS: Well, I – complex molecular structures. Hey, how's it coming – with the-the-the detonator?


AGENT FROST: Seems to be a wristwatch. Pretty much destroyed in the blast.


HODGINS: (looking in the microscope) Microscopic glass chips. Probably the crystal. I'll, uh, take a look at the -uh (Frost leans over him and looks in the microscope) composition to see if I can – um – locate a – manufacturer.


AGENT FROST: Great. So, where do you want me to dump this junk?


HODGINS: You're tossing the air filter?


AGENT FROST: I tested it for explosive residue. There wasn't any. It was blown free from the car.


HODGINS: Yeah. Even better. Do you have any idea what kind of treasures might be trapped in here? Don't touch my things. (to security guard) Watch her.


(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Zack is showing Cam his findings)


CAM: She was shot too?


ZACK: The entry presented itself when I was removing shrapnel from the reconstructed shoulder.


CAM: Are you sure it's not from the bomb or the fire?


ZACK: No. The fragments are lead in a copper alloy coating.


CAM: Yeah. That's a bullet. I didn't find any dried blood on her clothes. When was she shot?


ZACK: Damage from the blast makes it difficult to tell when the shooting occurred. I'm going to check the remodeling to estimate a time.


CAM: Hitting the top of the shoulder wouldn't be severe injury.


ZACK: She could bandage herself and still be ambulatory.


CAM: You know you could say 'walk around' instead. I wouldn't fire you.


ZACK: 'Walk around' implies aimlessness, which I'm not able to determine.


CAM: Can't believe I still ask these things. Send every thing you got to ballistics at the FBI.


ZACK: I'll inform Dr. Brennan.


(Cut to FBI: Corridor. Booth, Brennan and Sam are walking)


SAM: Does not make any sense. The van was rigged blow up, why shoot her?


BRENNAN: Well, until we see what ballistics determines, it's absurd to speculate.


SAM: Speculating's kinda what we do here.


BOOTH: Listen. Danny Valenti is a cop. June Harris murdered his father. He has a gun.


SAM: He's a good kid, Booth. He didn't do it.


BOOTH: (Brennan bumps into him, then to Brennan) Out.


BRENNAN: But that is meaningless speculation.


SAM: Is she really necessary?


BOOTH: She's my partner.


BRENNAN: Mentors often feel threatened when their students surpass them.


BOOTH: Bones!


BRENNAN: Well, it's true, Booth. Change can be difficult to accept whether it comes in the form of a revolutionary or the simple passage of time.


SAM: If she were a guy, I'd deck her.


BRENNAN: Well, you know, that distinction is no longer necessary, but I wouldn't recommend it. (Booth pushes Brennan into the interrogation room)


BOOTH: Go, Sam. (Booth pushes Sam into the interrogation room) Thank you.


(Cut to: FBI – Interrogation Room.)


BOOTH: Officer Valenti, credit card records show that uh, you bought gas near June Harris's home.


VALENTI: I didn't know where she lived. Just the town from the post mark on the letter.


BOOTH: Her apology letter.


VALENTI: (scoffs) She should have had the nerve to come talk to me, face to face.


BOOTH: So that's when you went to Huntzinger.




BRENNAN: And hit him.


VALENTI: He protects people like her.


BRENNAN: That's his job.


VALENTI: I was five years old when my father was killed. My mother told me he wasn't coming home again, I didn't believe her. I sat by that window waiting, everyday, for months.


BOOTH: You seem pretty angry about that.


SAM: Why didn't you tell me what you were gonna do?


VALENTI: You'd try and talk me out of it.


BRENNAN: Did you know how little time she was going to serve?


BOOTH: Because that might make someone take matters into their own hands.


VALENTI: I'm a cop, man, I didn't blow her up.


SAM: Booth-


BOOTH: Sam, it's my investigation. Officer Valenti, I'm gonna need your gun.




BOOTH: Because June Harris was shot before she died.


BRENNAN: We'd like to make sure the bullet didn't come from your gun.


VALENTI: You're gonna let them do this to me, Sam?


SAM: It's just a formality, Danny.


VALENTI: Then let's be formal. Get a warrant.




(Cut to: FBI – Booth's Office. Sam is alone reading a folder – as Booth & Brennan enter.)




SAM: Ballistics says that the bullet was NOT a match for Danny's gun.


BRENNAN: Booth should have that report first. He's the lead.


SAM: You know, Booth. She must be really good in bed because I can't see any other reason you keep her around here.


BRENNAN: I am. Very good. But Booth has no direct knowledge of that fact.


BOOTH: Okay, okay. Let's all stay focused here, people. Okay. Sam, you know what – you should never-


SAM: But it was a match for the gun that killed Danny's father 30 years ago.


BOOTH: Right. The same gun that was registered to Harris's old boyfriend, Watkins, but it was never found.


SAM: Everyone we interviewed at the time said Harris would never make a move without talking to Watkins first. I told you, we need to find him.


BOOTH: Yeah, okay. We will, Sam. You just gotta give me some room.


(Booth goes to leave but Sam grabs him arm)


SAM: Hey, Booth. Don't cut me out. I've worked my whole career for this.


BOOTH: As soon as I find something out, I'll let you know, Sam. (he places him hand on Sam's arm and then heads out) (to Brennan) Come on, Bones.


(They leave, leaving Sam alone, once again, in Booth's office)


(Cut to: Nash Residence. Jeremy Nash is looking at a picture that Booth & Brennan gave to him to look at)


JEREMY: I remember seeing a picture of him before. I was going through some old photographs, cleaning out a closet. Amy said it was an old boyfriend.


BOOTH: Hmm. They keep in contact?


JEREMY: No. I mean, uh, she would have told me. Why? You don't think that – did he kill her?


BOOTH: How long did you know about your wife's real identity?


BRENNAN: Yeah, how long?


JEREMY: I only found out a couple weeks ago.

(His daughter, Celia, enters the room)


CELIA: Why didn't you tell me? What? You didn't think I should know about my own mother?


JEREMY: She didn't want me to tell you. She wanted to do it herself.


BRENNAN: Your wife never talked about her past?


CELIA: She used to say only the future was important. All we could do was change the world.


JEREMY: They didn't agree on how. Celia was, uh, a bit conservative for Amy.


CELIA: That never mattered. She wasn't some crazy radical to me. She was my mom.


BOOTH: You must have been relieved she got such a great deal.


JEREMY: What deal?


BRENNAN: She didn't tell you?


JEREMY: She mentioned she was thinking of talking to a Federal Prosecutor - but I talked her out of it.


BOOTH: Well, you do know it's a felony, aiding and abedding a fugitive.


JEREMY: You want to charge me? Fine. But saving my family doesn't feel like a crime. Amy was a good mother. A wonderful wife.


BOOTH: You mind if we take a look around? See if there's any evidence linking your wife to Watkins?


JEREMY: The house is yours. (to Celia) Come on, sweetie.


(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab.)


ZACK: The only reason we found any lead or copper in the shoulder was because of the blast. There was advanced bone remodeling.


CAM: So it's a very old injury.


ZACK: Yes. Bone had completely grown over it.


CAM: And since it was the same gun that killed the policeman and was never recovered, I think we can assume that June Harris was shot during the robbery.


ZACK: I also found microscopic lead particles on the metacarpals on the left hand with the same degree of remodeling at the shoulder.


CAM: Another gun shot?


ZACK: No. The same one. The metals are an identical match.


CAM: So she was shot in the hand and the shoulder with the same bullet? Is that even possible?


ZACK: Angela could give us a scenario that could tell us.


(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Angela's Office – everyone is standing around the Angelator)


ANGELA: I'm creating a trajectory analysis factoring in both the hand and the shoulder. These are photos from the crime scene, 30 years ago.


ZACK: That's the home of the defense contractor, Gerald Locklear, where the NLA burglary occurred.


CAM: June Harris and NealWatkins were in Locklear's office at the back of the house.


ANGELA: The original FBI photos were crude. Based on finger prints and scuff marks on the floor. It was assumed that June stood guard while Neal emptied the safe.


CAM: When officer Valenti walks in, surprising them, June fires – killing Valenti -


BRENNAN: But that wouldn't explain her injuries, unless - June emptied the safe while Neal stood guard.


ANGELA: Exactly. Neal aims at Office Valenti but June steps between them, raises her hand to stop Neal, but he fires.


BRENNAN: She was trying to protect the policeman.


CAM: June Harris was telling the truth. She didn't kill Valenti, Neal Watkins did.


(Hodgins enters)


HODGINS: He also made the bomb. The watch used to make the timer? Was coated with a volatilized pigment used by the Sawyer Time Company.


(They all head over to the computer. Hodgins pulls up a picture of a watch)


BRENNAN: An American flag watch.


CAM: Nice ironic touch.


HODGINS: Watkins always used the same type of watch when making bombs for the NLA. It was a signature. They found traces of them a ROTC headquarters, the IRS office-


CAM: June told him she was going to turn herself in.


HODGINS: He wasn't gonna let that happen. So he made a new bomb using an old watch and killed her. And he left a message for anyone who thought the revolution was over.


ANGELA: Sounds like a bad ex-boyfriend.


BRENNAN: That's assuming she was in contact with him.


CAM: And we have no way of knowing where that would have taken place if she had seen him.


HODGINS: Not so sure about that. I have her air filter. It's like an entomological GPS.


(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Cat walk. Booth is looking out over the balcony. Brennan approaches him, carrying a cup of coffee)


BOOTH: What's taking Hodgins so long?


BRENNAN: It's an exacting process.


(She hands him the cup of coffee)


BOOTH: (takes it) Ah, thank you. So um, how did your dad like his socks?




BOOTH: That's sorta a way to start a conversation there, Bones.


BRENNAN: I know.


BOOTH: Ya know, look. I'm - I should never have gotten in the middle of all this, I'm – I'm sorry. I was just – I'm just trying to help.


BRENNAN: He wanted me to testify on his behalf. He just wants to use me.


BOOTH: Well, he's s con man, Bones, that doesn't mean that he doesn't love you. He's just looking for a little payback.


BRENNAN: Payback?


BOOTH: Yeah. He's thinking that he got arrested so that he could spend some more time with you. I mean, you could at least return the favor by doing something nice for him.


BRENNAN: I'm not sure I want a father who's always keeping score.

BOOTH: Yeah. Sounds like you are too.


BRENNAN: You know what? You're right. This is none of your business.


BOOTH: You know what, Bones? You're never gonna forgive yourself if you don't cut the guy some slack just because you're afraid to get hurt.


BRENNAN: Ugh, what the hell is taking Hodgins so long?


(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Hodgins desk. He's looking through a microscope when Angela approaches)


ANGELA: Where's the bombshell from the bomb squad?


HODGINS: She went back to the FBI to catalog evidence. Thank god. She was driving me crazy. It was just science all the time. Then, she tries to destroy perfectly good evidence-


ANGELA: What about the breasts?


HODGINS: I started thinking about them dragging on the floor when she's 70. (Angela leans over and kisses him) How are you doing?


ANGELA: Well, that burned paper? Is a letter that she wrote. So I'm using the spectral comparator to locate the ink particles.


HODGINS: Cool...


ANGELA: The, uh, computer is rendering the content now, so. You?


HODGINS: I found pollen.




HODGINS: Most of it Pinus Appalachiana. Shenandoah (he has a realization about something) Pine – which is only found on Shenandoah Mountain in West Virginia. There was also crushed Pendleton Leather Flower in the tire treads which is only found here in the Shale Barrens along the upper Potamic – it is very secluded between the towns of Hendersonville and Maple Flats. Booth! (he calls up to Booth, still up on the catwalk with Brennan) I know where you can find Watkins! (They start to head down.)


ANGELA: That's nice work, Hodgins. You know, my computer, is gonna be rendering for a while. Wanna go to the Medieval storage room?


(He reaches down and pushes the head covering for a suit of armor out from under his desk with his foot)




HODGINS: Booth! What the hell is taking you so long. (Angela kisses him again)


(Cut to: Booth's car.)


BRENNAN: You told Reilly where Watkins is?


BOOTH: Yeah, he's meeting us there.


BRENNAN: He's too emotional.


BOOTH: This is his case. He's invested.

BRENNAN: He's irrational. Probably male menopause.


BOOTH: What? He's a good man and you know what? There's no such thing. That is a sexist myth.


BRENNAN: Factually, hormone production drops in your 50's. Sexual desire decreases. You have to deal with the reduction of muscle mass, erectile dysfunction-


BOOTH: Hey, alright, hey. Let's just keep the conversation up, shall we?


BRENNAN: And, there's evidence that certain men become very unstable.


BOOTH: Do you want me to start talking about your father again?


BRENNAN: You're very testy.


BOOTH: And 35. I'm only 35.


BRENNAN: Okay, okay.


BOOTH: They have blue pills for that.


(Cut to: Watkin's Residence. Booth & Brennan get out of the car and walk towards the house.)


BOOTH: No. I don't like this, it's too quiet.


BRENNAN: Wasn't Reilly suppose to meet us?


BOOTH: Yeah.


(They go around the side of the house, trying to get a look inside. Brennan takes out her gun)


BOOTH: Gee, why didn't you bring the big one?


(They enter the house and walk through the rooms, still not seeing anyone. Suddenly, Brennan sees something in the other room.)


BOOTH: Okay. (he pushes her shoulder back, wanting her to stay behind him) Bones.


(They walk into the room and find Neal Watkins dead and Sam Reilly standing over him, holding a gun)


BOOTH: Easy, Sam. Put the gun down, step away from the body.


SAM: Booth, look at him. He did it to himself. I didn't do this, Booth.


(Sam places his gun on the arm of the couch)




(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Autopsy Bay.)


CAM: .38 caliber slug – matches the revolver found at the scene. Now positioning is consistent with a self inflicted gun shot wound but could easily have been staged.


(Brennan and Zack are looking at x-rays on a screen)


BRENNAN: Zack, bring up that hand x-ray. (it appears on the screen) Look at this.

ZACK: Asymmetric narrowing on the first metacarpal phalangeal joints.


BRENNAN: Ulna deviation, barely discernible.


ZACK: Would you like my finger Dr. Brennan?


BRENNAN: Please.


CAM: What are you two thinking?


BRENNAN: Neal Watkins had rheumatoid Arthritis in his hands. (she wraps Zack's finger with an ace bandage) This would approximate the strength of his arthritic finger. Pull. (she grabs Zack's finger and he tries to pull it away.) Harder.


ZACK: I'm trying, Dr. Brennan.


BRENNAN: Watkins fine motor function would be no greater than Zack's gauzed wrapped finger.


CAM: Neal Watkins wasn't able to pull the trigger.


BRENNAN: He couldn't have shot himself.


ZACK: If he couldn't pull the trigger, he wouldn't have the manual dexterity to assemble the bomb either.


CAM: There's one man who knew exactly how Neal made his bombs.


BRENNAN: The same man who worked the case for 30 years. I'll call Booth.


(Cut to: FBI – Interrogation Room. Sam is pacing. Booth & Caroline enter.)


BOOTH: Hi Sam. Dr. Brennan determined that it wasn't a suicide.


SAM: What?


CAROLINE: The gun was a plant. Wouldn't be the fist time - an Agent planted a gun, would it?


BOOTH: Well, Forensics searched the house and, uh, they determined that there wasn't enough evidence to suggest that Watkins made the bomb that killed Harris.


SAM: What about the watch?


BOOTH: That's the thing, Sam. It turns out that two Sawyer Company American Flag watches were confiscated in '74 in LA raid.


CAROLINE: We checked the evidence locker. A lot of things were missing – including a watch.


SAM: It was a dog case, Booth. That crap was moved off site years ago. You know what happens during a move.


CAROLINE: So, you had a 30 year obsession but you didn't keep track of your evidence. You have a good service record, cher. We can make a deal.


SAM: Look. I know you have to do this dance, but there is a real killer out there.


BOOTH: Look, I understand, Sam. I do. I think - you should find yourself a lawyer.


(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Hodgins approaches the platform)


HODGINS: I was cataloging the watch debris and noticed that the oxidation and bacterial erosion of the metal was inconsistent with watches that would have been stored in evidence for 30 years.


CAM: But weren't the watches discontinued after '76?


HODGINS: Yes, but I found a few available on line for collectors – still sealed.


BRENNAN: You traced one to a buyer?


HODGINS: Didn't have to. Since the watch was 30 years old, the bomber had to put in a new battery – he left behind a thumb print. The casing protected it during the blast. I asked the bureau to run the print.


(Angela enters)


ANGELA: The letter has finished rendering. It's not addressed to Watkins.


(Cut to: Medico Legal Lab – Angela's office. Brennan picks up a copy of the rendered letter)


BRENNAN: (V.O) Dear Celia. I've done terrible things in my life, things I can't change. I know how much pain this will cause you, but never forget how much I love you. I know we didn't always agree on how, but we both hope for the same thing, a just world.


(Cut to: Nash residence. Jeremy & Celia Nash heading out of their house as Booth & Brennan are walking up the walkway towards them.)


BRENNAN: (to Booth) Funerals today?


BOOTH: Yeah.


BRENNAN: They seem like every other, normal, grieving family.


BOOTH: That's what everyone seems, is it.


BOOTH: Mr. Nash? You're under arrest for the murder of June Harris, AKA Amy Nash.


CELIA: Oh, that's crazy.


BOOTH: I'm sorry, Celia. (Brennan hands her the letter) We know about the watch.


(Celia reads the letter while Brennan's V.O. continues)


BRENNAN: (V.O.) Even thought I didn't fire the gun that took that man's life, I have to take responsibility for it and for my cowardice, hiding all these years.)


JEREMY: I caught her sneaking out one night. She had been seeing him. She betrayed me, Celia. She betrayed us.


CELIA: How could you do this?


JEREMY: 25 years I believed she loved us but she used us to keep her cover-


BOOTH: Let's go.


(As Booth walks Nash to the car, Brennan stays behind with Celia – V.O. Continues)


BRENNAN: (V.O.) - I tried to spare you and your father pain. I know what your father thought when he caught me going to see Neal, but I would rather die than betray your father.


CELIA: (to Jeremy) She was trying to get him to surrender too! (Jeremy turns back to her) She was trying to do the right thing, daddy.


BOOTH: Let's go. You got the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you-


(Celia continues reading the letter while Brennan comforts her)


BRENNAN: (V.O.) If I've learned anything, it's that we can never let the chaos and injustice make us so blind with anger that we become part of the problem. Understanding, compassion, kindness and the only true revolutionary ideas. When we compromise those, we become what we despise and we lose our humanity. The world might see my legacy of one of violence and destruction, but I know that you are my real legacy and for that – I will be thankful everyday.


(Cut to: Prison. Visitation Room.)


MAX: Hi! I wasn't sure I'd ever see you again.


BRENNAN: I thought maybe we could see if we remember that card game?


MAX: Yeah, sure. (He pulls out a deck of cards from his pocket)


(Cut to: FBI – Booth's office. Sam enters.)


SAM: You know, I've kept this bottle of single malt on my desk since '75. I always said when we put this case to bed, I'd open it. I'd like you to help me with that, Booth.


BOOTH: Listen, Sam. I – I want to apologize.


SAM: Hey. I would have done the same thing myself (he pours Booth some Scotch.) Well, maybe not quite the same thing. I would have slapped me around a little bit. (Booth laughs.) To the changing of the guard. (they clink glasses and drink)


(Cut to: Prison. Visitation Room. Brennan and her dad are playing cards.)


(Cut to: Lincoln Memorial. It's night and Booth and Brennan are on the steps, talking. Booth is playing with the lid on his cup of coffee.)


BRENNAN: How much scotch did you drink?


BOOTH: Oh, just enough. You know, I would have invited you, but Reilly. He just – wow – he doesn't like you.


BRENNAN: I understand.


BOOTH: I'm sorry. Was that rude?


BRENNAN: Not from someone who's been drinking.


BOOTH: God, you know, I love this place. I love it. I love this country. You know, I tell ya something. If I was working law enforcement back in the day when they threw all that tea, alright, in the harbor – I'm good, alright, I'm – I'm good. I would have rounded everybody up and we'd still be English.


BRENNAN: Ya think?


BOOTH: Yup. Yup. Definitely. (he signs and takes a sip of coffee)


BRENNAN: I saw my father.


BOOTH: Wow. I didn't think that you were gonna – do that.


BRENNAN: As an Anthropologist, I accept change as the natural order of things - but with him I didn't allow for transformation. Ya know, I predicated his behavior based on a set of outmoded preconceptions. It wasn't rational.


BOOTH: Wow. I - I didn't get any of that.


BRENNAN: If I was conducting an objective experiment on my father, observing his behavior, I'd have to conclude that he loves me.


BOOTH: Hmm. Why? What happened?


BRENNAN: We played cards.


BOOTH: Cool.


BRENNAN: I killed him.


BOOTH: Good for you.


(He leans up against Brennan's shoulder and it fades out with the two of them looking out at the Washington Monument)




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